Das Anpassen der Schaltfläche "Zum Kalender hinzufügen" an Ihre eigene Sprache ist mit AddEvent sehr einfach. Ihre Termine können zu Apple Kalender, Google Kalender, Outlook, Outlook.com und Yahoo Kalender hinzugefügt werden. Mobile Geräte wie Android, iPhone, Samsung und Windows werden ebenfalls unterstützt.
Unten finden Sie die Übersetzungen der Schaltfläche "Zum Kalender hinzufügen".
This tool provides a quick and effortless way for your users to add your events to their calendars. When you add an “add to calendar” button to your website, you increase the likelihood that your users will add your event to their calendars by reducing the time and effort required to do so.
They will simply click the button, choose their desired calendar, and presto - your event is on their calendar! (Which, by the way, users view 12 times/day on average..). We make it easy for you to make it easy for your users, and more of your events on their calendars result in increased attendance to those events, which means good things for your company.
Documentation: Add to calendar button