15 upcoming events
2024-2025 Accounting Calendar by Cornell Irving Partners
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Upcoming events
Lodge and pay February 2025 Activity Statement if paid monthly
20 - 21 March (All day)
Lodge monthly payroll tax return for registered Victorian Workers March
6 - 7 April (All day)
Lodge and pay March 2024 Activity Statement if paid monthly
20 - 21 April (All day)
Q3 24-25 Super Guarantee Contributions (SG) paid and cleared
27 - 28 April (All day)
Lodge and pay Q3, 2024-25 Activity Statement (Jan-Mar) if lodge by paper
27 - 28 April (All day)
Lodge monthly payroll tax return for registered Victorian Workers April
6 - 7 May (All day)
Lodge 2024 tax returns for all entities that were not required to lodge earlier
14 - 15 May (All day)
Lodge and pay April 2025 Activity Statement if paid monthly
20 - 21 May (All day)
Lodge and pay 2024 FBT (Fringe Benefits Tax) annual returns if lodge by paper
20 - 21 May (All day)
Lodge and pay Q3, 2024-25 Activity Statement (Jan-Mar) for all lodgement methods
27 - 28 May (All day)