Here's an example of a calendar where users are required to enter their information prior to subscribing.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id lorem neque. Donec porta nisl quam, ac tincidunt libero consequat nec. Vivamus lacinia luctus auctor. Vivamus ut tincidunt risus. Mauris vehicula ultrices dignissim. Phasellus condimentum pretium risus. Nunc sit amet elit urna. Sed ut ultrices nunc. Etiam rutrum pellentesque eleifend. Nunc purus mauris, euismod sed efficitur eu, tincidunt quis massa. Integer non interdum augue.
Subscribe to the calendar
Now click the "Add to Calendar" button below to get the
events on your own calendar.
Step 2 of 2
When you subscribe to this calendar, all of the events in the calendar will appear on your own calendar. When the calendar owner creates new events, they'll automatically appear on your calendar. It's like magic. ⭐