Tuesday, June 14, 12:00pm - 1:15pm (EDT)
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RStudio Healthcare Meetup: Translating facts into insights at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Led by Jake Riley
{headliner} is a new R package to add dynamic, insightful text to plots and reports. {headliner} generates useful talking points that users can string together using {glue} syntax. This makes it easy to write an informative sentences without adding a lot of technical debt to a project. Learn how to get started with {headliner} and ways we have used it at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Speaker Bio:
Jake Riley is a data analyst at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He is the author of several R packages related to data visualization and automated exploratory analysis. You can find his published work [simplecolors] and [shinyobjects] on CRAN with more packages on the way.
Rachael Dempsey, rachael@rstudio.com