The Product Manager | How to Communicate the Right Product Analytics the Right Way


Tuesday, September 24, 12:00pm - 1:00pm (EDT)

south_america expand_more Time shown in-04:00 America, New York

Time zone



  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Midway
  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Niue
  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Pago Pago
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Honolulu
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Rarotonga
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Tahiti
  • (GMT-09:30)Pacific, Marquesas
  • (GMT-09:00)America, Adak
  • (GMT-09:00)Pacific, Gambier
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Anchorage
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Juneau
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Metlakatla
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Nome
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Sitka
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Yakutat
  • (GMT-08:00)Pacific, Pitcairn
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Creston
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Dawson
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Dawson Creek
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Fort Nelson
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Hermosillo
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Los Angeles
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Mazatlan
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Phoenix
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Tijuana
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Vancouver
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Whitehorse
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Bahia Banderas
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Belize
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Boise
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Cambridge Bay
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Chihuahua
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Ciudad Juarez
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Costa Rica
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Denver
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Edmonton
  • (GMT-06:00)America, El Salvador
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Guatemala
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Inuvik
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Managua
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Merida
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Mexico City
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Monterrey
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Regina
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Swift Current
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Tegucigalpa
  • (GMT-06:00)Pacific, Galapagos
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Atikokan
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Bogota
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Cancun
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Cayman
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Chicago
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Eirunepe
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Guayaquil
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Indiana, Knox
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Indiana, Tell City
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Jamaica
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Lima
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Matamoros
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Menominee
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, Beulah
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, Center
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, New Salem
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Ojinaga
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Panama
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Rankin Inlet
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Resolute
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Rio Branco
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Winnipeg
  • (GMT-05:00)Pacific, Easter
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Anguilla
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Antigua
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Aruba
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Asuncion
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Barbados
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Blanc-Sablon
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Boa Vista
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Campo Grande
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Caracas
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Cuiaba
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Curacao
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Detroit
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Dominica
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Grand Turk
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Grenada
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Guadeloupe
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Guyana
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Havana
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Indianapolis
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Marengo
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Petersburg
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Vevay
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Vincennes
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Winamac
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Iqaluit
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kentucky, Louisville
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kentucky, Monticello
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kralendijk
  • (GMT-04:00)America, La Paz
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Lower Princes
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Manaus
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Marigot
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Martinique
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Montserrat
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Nassau
  • (GMT-04:00)America, New York
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Port of Spain
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Port-au-Prince
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Porto Velho
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Puerto Rico
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Santo Domingo
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Barthelemy
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Kitts
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Lucia
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Thomas
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Vincent
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Toronto
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Tortola
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Araguaina
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Buenos Aires
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Catamarca
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Cordoba
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Jujuy
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, La Rioja
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Mendoza
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Rio Gallegos
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Salta
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, San Juan
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, San Luis
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Tucuman
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Ushuaia
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Bahia
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Belem
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Cayenne
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Fortaleza
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Glace Bay
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Goose Bay
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Halifax
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Maceio
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Moncton
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Montevideo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Paramaribo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Punta Arenas
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Recife
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Santarem
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Santiago
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Sao Paulo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Thule
  • (GMT-03:00)Antarctica, Palmer
  • (GMT-03:00)Antarctica, Rothera
  • (GMT-03:00)Atlantic, Bermuda
  • (GMT-03:00)Atlantic, Stanley
  • (GMT-02:30)America, St Johns
  • (GMT-02:00)America, Miquelon
  • (GMT-02:00)America, Noronha
  • (GMT-02:00)Atlantic, South Georgia
  • (GMT-01:00)America, Nuuk
  • (GMT-01:00)America, Scoresbysund
  • (GMT-01:00)Atlantic, Cape Verde
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Abidjan
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Accra
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Bamako
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Banjul
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Bissau
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Conakry
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Dakar
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Freetown
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Lome
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Monrovia
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Nouakchott
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Ouagadougou
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Sao Tome
  • (GMT+00:00)America, Danmarkshavn
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, Azores
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, Reykjavik
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, St Helena
  • (GMT+00:00)UTC
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Algiers
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Bangui
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Brazzaville
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Casablanca
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Douala
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, El Aaiun
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Kinshasa
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Lagos
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Libreville
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Luanda
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Malabo
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Ndjamena
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Niamey
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Porto-Novo
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Tunis
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Canary
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Faroe
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Madeira
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Dublin
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Guernsey
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Isle of Man
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Jersey
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Lisbon
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, London
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Blantyre
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Bujumbura
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Ceuta
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Gaborone
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Harare
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Johannesburg
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Juba
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Khartoum
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Kigali
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Lubumbashi
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Lusaka
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Maputo
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Maseru
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Mbabane
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Tripoli
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Windhoek
  • (GMT+02:00)Antarctica, Troll
  • (GMT+02:00)Arctic, Longyearbyen
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Amsterdam
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Andorra
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Belgrade
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Berlin
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Bratislava
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Brussels
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Budapest
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Busingen
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Copenhagen
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Gibraltar
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Kaliningrad
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Ljubljana
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Luxembourg
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Madrid
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Malta
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Monaco
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Oslo
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Paris
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Podgorica
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Prague
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Rome
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, San Marino
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Sarajevo
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Skopje
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Stockholm
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Tirane
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vaduz
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vatican
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vienna
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Warsaw
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Zagreb
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Zurich
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Addis Ababa
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Asmara
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Cairo
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Dar es Salaam
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Djibouti
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Kampala
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Mogadishu
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Nairobi
  • (GMT+03:00)Antarctica, Syowa
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Aden
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Amman
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Baghdad
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Bahrain
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Beirut
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Damascus
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Famagusta
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Gaza
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Hebron
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Jerusalem
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Kuwait
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Nicosia
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Qatar
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Riyadh
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Athens
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Bucharest
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Chisinau
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Helsinki
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Istanbul
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Kirov
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Kyiv
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Mariehamn
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Minsk
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Moscow
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Riga
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Simferopol
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Sofia
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Tallinn
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Vilnius
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Volgograd
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Antananarivo
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Comoro
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Mayotte
  • (GMT+03:30)Asia, Tehran
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Baku
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Dubai
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Muscat
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Tbilisi
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Yerevan
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Astrakhan
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Samara
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Saratov
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Ulyanovsk
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Mahe
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Mauritius
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Reunion
  • (GMT+04:30)Asia, Kabul
  • (GMT+05:00)Antarctica, Mawson
  • (GMT+05:00)Antarctica, Vostok
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Almaty
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Aqtau
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Aqtobe
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Ashgabat
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Atyrau
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Dushanbe
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Karachi
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Oral
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Qostanay
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Qyzylorda
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Samarkand
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Tashkent
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Yekaterinburg
  • (GMT+05:00)Indian, Kerguelen
  • (GMT+05:00)Indian, Maldives
  • (GMT+05:30)Asia, Colombo
  • (GMT+05:30)Asia, Kolkata
  • (GMT+05:45)Asia, Kathmandu
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Bishkek
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Dhaka
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Omsk
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Thimphu
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Urumqi
  • (GMT+06:00)Indian, Chagos
  • (GMT+06:30)Asia, Yangon
  • (GMT+06:30)Indian, Cocos
  • (GMT+07:00)Antarctica, Davis
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Bangkok
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Barnaul
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Ho Chi Minh
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Hovd
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Jakarta
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Krasnoyarsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Novokuznetsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Novosibirsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Phnom Penh
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Pontianak
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Tomsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Vientiane
  • (GMT+07:00)Indian, Christmas
  • (GMT+08:00)Antarctica, Casey
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Brunei
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Choibalsan
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Hong Kong
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Irkutsk
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Kuala Lumpur
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Kuching
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Macau
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Makassar
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Manila
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Shanghai
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Singapore
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Taipei
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Ulaanbaatar
  • (GMT+08:00)Australia, Perth
  • (GMT+08:45)Australia, Eucla
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Chita
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Dili
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Jayapura
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Khandyga
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Pyongyang
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Seoul
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Tokyo
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Yakutsk
  • (GMT+09:00)Pacific, Palau
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Adelaide
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Broken Hill
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Darwin
  • (GMT+10:00)Antarctica, DumontDUrville
  • (GMT+10:00)Antarctica, Macquarie
  • (GMT+10:00)Asia, Ust-Nera
  • (GMT+10:00)Asia, Vladivostok
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Brisbane
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Hobart
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Lindeman
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Melbourne
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Sydney
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Chuuk
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Guam
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Port Moresby
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Saipan
  • (GMT+10:30)Australia, Lord Howe
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Magadan
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Sakhalin
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Srednekolymsk
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Bougainville
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Efate
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Guadalcanal
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Kosrae
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Norfolk
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Noumea
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Pohnpei
  • (GMT+12:00)Antarctica, McMurdo
  • (GMT+12:00)Asia, Anadyr
  • (GMT+12:00)Asia, Kamchatka
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Auckland
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Fiji
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Funafuti
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Kwajalein
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Majuro
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Nauru
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Tarawa
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Wake
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Wallis
  • (GMT+12:45)Pacific, Chatham
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Apia
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Fakaofo
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Kanton
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Tongatapu
  • (GMT+14:00)Pacific, Kiritimati


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    Look, we know the numbers don’t lie. But leadership, your clients, and your team might need some convincing. Mastering the art of communicating the right product analytics is crucial for any Product Manager aiming to align their team and fuel growth.

    You need high quality inputs, you’ll need to parse through the mountain of data you have access to, and you’ll need to make it visible and digestible by a lot of folks who don’t see things as clearly as you do. Otherwise, you risk letting useful analytics achieve nothing.

    Join us on September 24, 2024, at 9am PT / 12pm ET for a live webinar where some pretty smart folks will tackle these challenges head-on. This is your opportunity to learn how to transform your product analytics from a data deluge into a strategic asset that drives informed decisions and impactful outcomes.

    We’re thrilled to feature three seasoned professionalsin this discussion:

    • Mo Hallaba: CEO of Datawisp and a leader in fast-paced product development. Mo brings deep expertise in data-driven decision-making and also loves Arsenal (the football club)

    • Jeff Orange: Global Product Team at TikTok. With a strong focus on strategic growth, Jeff excels at leveraging analytics to build better user experiences and user relationships

    • Mystery guest: wouldn’t you like to know!

    In this session, you'll learn:

    • How to identify and overcome common pitfalls in data collection and interpretation, ensuring you focus on the metrics that matter most.

    • Proven strategies for making your data visible, understandable, and actionable for all stakeholders, regardless of their technical background.

    • Techniques for crafting compelling stories from your data and translating insights into concrete action items that drive product success.

    We’ll also set aside time for a live Q&A session with our speakers. Don’t miss this chance to get your most pressing questions answered by industry leaders who have been in your shoes and have successfully navigated these challenges.


    Please fill out the information below to register for the event.

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    Add to Calendar 2024/09/24 09:00:00 2024/09/24 10:00:00 America/Vancouver The Product Manager | How to Communicate the Right Product Analytics the Right Way

    Look, we know the numbers don’t lie. But leadership, your clients, and your team might need some convincing. Mastering the art of communicating the right product analytics is crucial for any Product Manager aiming to align their team and fuel growth.

    You need high quality inputs, you’ll need to parse through the mountain of data you have access to, and you’ll need to make it visible and digestible by a lot of folks who don’t see things as clearly as you do. Otherwise, you risk letting useful analytics achieve nothing.

    Join us on September 24, 2024, at 9am PT / 12pm ET for a live webinar where some pretty smart folks will tackle these challenges head-on. This is your opportunity to learn how to transform your product analytics from a data deluge into a strategic asset that drives informed decisions and impactful outcomes.

    We’re thrilled to feature three seasoned professionalsin this discussion:

    • Mo Hallaba: CEO of Datawisp and a leader in fast-paced product development. Mo brings deep expertise in data-driven decision-making and also loves Arsenal (the football club)

    • Jeff Orange: Global Product Team at TikTok. With a strong focus on strategic growth, Jeff excels at leveraging analytics to build better user experiences and user relationships

    • Mystery guest: wouldn’t you like to know!

    In this session, you'll learn:

    • How to identify and overcome common pitfalls in data collection and interpretation, ensuring you focus on the metrics that matter most.

    • Proven strategies for making your data visible, understandable, and actionable for all...

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    Add to Calendar 2024/09/24 09:00:00 2024/09/24 10:00:00 America/Vancouver The Product Manager | How to Communicate the Right Product Analytics the Right Way

    Look, we know the numbers don’t lie. But leadership, your clients, and your team might need some convincing. Mastering the art of communicating the right product analytics is crucial for any Product Manager aiming to align their team and fuel growth.

    You need high quality inputs, you’ll need to parse through the mountain of data you have access to, and you’ll need to make it visible and digestible by a lot of folks who don’t see things as clearly as you do. Otherwise, you risk letting useful analytics achieve nothing.

    Join us on September 24, 2024, at 9am PT / 12pm ET for a live webinar where some pretty smart folks will tackle these challenges head-on. This is your opportunity to learn how to transform your product analytics from a data deluge into a strategic asset that drives informed decisions and impactful outcomes.

    We’re thrilled to feature three seasoned professionalsin this discussion:

    • Mo Hallaba: CEO of Datawisp and a leader in fast-paced product development. Mo brings deep expertise in data-driven decision-making and also loves Arsenal (the football club)

    • Jeff Orange: Global Product Team at TikTok. With a strong focus on strategic growth, Jeff excels at leveraging analytics to build better user experiences and user relationships

    • Mystery guest: wouldn’t you like to know!

    In this session, you'll learn:

    • How to identify and overcome common pitfalls in data collection and interpretation, ensuring you focus on the metrics that matter most.

    • Proven strategies for making your data visible, understandable, and actionable for all...

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    Michael Mordak,