Tuesday, December 10, 12:10pm - 1:40pm (EST)
Each month, the COmanage project hosts Open Office Hours. This is a loosely structured, open forum for questions, discussion, and peer sharing among those using or interested in COmanage Registry and/or Match. A short conversation starter (Topic Aperitif) kicks off each session to help get the discussion started.
December 2024 Topic Aperitif: The latest in Registry v5 and Match
Review new functionality, see demos, and provide feedback and input on in-progress development for COmanage Registry and Match.
COmanage Registry is an identity registry with flexible enrollment and lifecycle management capabilities that help you meet your identity management objectives using standardized tools and approaches. It can be used as a central person registry, a guest management system, or a collaboration hub for scholarly collaborations.
The development team has been working with early adopters on Registry v5. This version includes a migration to the latest version of the Cake PHP framework, which supports our code structure. Given this significant undertaking, we are using this opportunity to evaluate how Registry use has evolved over the past 14 years and update the code and data structures so that they are more effective and efficient for today’s users. And, with Registry operating better under the hood, we also are improving Registry’s user interface to better support new and occasional users and provide easier-to-use and -understand functionality.
COmanage Match performs identity de-duplication in order to help minimize the creation of duplicate accounts for the same individual. It provides a heuristic-based system for matching identity records across multiple authoritative systems of record. Match can be used with Registry or as a standalone product complementary to your other tools.
Boston Marriott Copley Place (SUFFOLK - 4th Floor)
Laura Paglione, lpaglione@sphericalcowgroup.com