Salata Scholar Seminar | Roxana Shafiee


Wednesday, February 7, 6:00pm - 7:00pm (EST)

south_america expand_more Time shown in-04:00 America, New York

Time zone



  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Midway
  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Niue
  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Pago Pago
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Honolulu
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Rarotonga
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Tahiti
  • (GMT-09:30)Pacific, Marquesas
  • (GMT-09:00)America, Adak
  • (GMT-09:00)Pacific, Gambier
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Anchorage
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Juneau
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Metlakatla
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Nome
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Sitka
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Yakutat
  • (GMT-08:00)Pacific, Pitcairn
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Creston
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Dawson
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Dawson Creek
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Fort Nelson
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Hermosillo
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Los Angeles
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Mazatlan
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Phoenix
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Tijuana
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Vancouver
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Whitehorse
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Bahia Banderas
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Belize
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Boise
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Cambridge Bay
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Chihuahua
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Ciudad Juarez
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Costa Rica
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Denver
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Edmonton
  • (GMT-06:00)America, El Salvador
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Guatemala
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Inuvik
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Managua
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Merida
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Mexico City
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Monterrey
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Regina
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Swift Current
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Tegucigalpa
  • (GMT-06:00)Pacific, Easter
  • (GMT-06:00)Pacific, Galapagos
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Atikokan
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Bogota
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Cancun
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Cayman
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Chicago
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Eirunepe
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Guayaquil
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Indiana, Knox
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Indiana, Tell City
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Jamaica
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Lima
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Matamoros
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Menominee
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, Beulah
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, Center
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, New Salem
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Ojinaga
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Panama
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Rankin Inlet
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Resolute
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Rio Branco
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Winnipeg
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Anguilla
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Antigua
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Aruba
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Asuncion
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Barbados
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Blanc-Sablon
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Boa Vista
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Campo Grande
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Caracas
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Cuiaba
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Curacao
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Detroit
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Dominica
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Grand Turk
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Grenada
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Guadeloupe
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Guyana
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Havana
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Indianapolis
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Marengo
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Petersburg
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Vevay
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Vincennes
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Winamac
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Iqaluit
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kentucky, Louisville
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kentucky, Monticello
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kralendijk
  • (GMT-04:00)America, La Paz
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Lower Princes
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Manaus
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Marigot
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Martinique
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Montserrat
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Nassau
  • (GMT-04:00)America, New York
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Port of Spain
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Port-au-Prince
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Porto Velho
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Puerto Rico
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Santiago
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Santo Domingo
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Barthelemy
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Kitts
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Lucia
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Thomas
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Vincent
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Toronto
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Tortola
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Araguaina
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Buenos Aires
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Catamarca
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Cordoba
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Jujuy
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, La Rioja
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Mendoza
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Rio Gallegos
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Salta
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, San Juan
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, San Luis
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Tucuman
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Ushuaia
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Bahia
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Belem
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Cayenne
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Fortaleza
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Glace Bay
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Goose Bay
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Halifax
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Maceio
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Moncton
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Montevideo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Paramaribo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Punta Arenas
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Recife
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Santarem
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Sao Paulo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Thule
  • (GMT-03:00)Antarctica, Palmer
  • (GMT-03:00)Antarctica, Rothera
  • (GMT-03:00)Atlantic, Bermuda
  • (GMT-03:00)Atlantic, Stanley
  • (GMT-02:30)America, St Johns
  • (GMT-02:00)America, Miquelon
  • (GMT-02:00)America, Noronha
  • (GMT-02:00)Atlantic, South Georgia
  • (GMT-01:00)America, Nuuk
  • (GMT-01:00)America, Scoresbysund
  • (GMT-01:00)Atlantic, Cape Verde
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Abidjan
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Accra
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Bamako
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Banjul
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Bissau
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Conakry
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Dakar
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Freetown
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Lome
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Monrovia
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Nouakchott
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Ouagadougou
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Sao Tome
  • (GMT+00:00)America, Danmarkshavn
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, Azores
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, Reykjavik
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, St Helena
  • (GMT+00:00)UTC
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Algiers
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Bangui
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Brazzaville
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Casablanca
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Douala
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, El Aaiun
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Kinshasa
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Lagos
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Libreville
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Luanda
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Malabo
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Ndjamena
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Niamey
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Porto-Novo
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Tunis
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Canary
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Faroe
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Madeira
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Dublin
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Guernsey
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Isle of Man
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Jersey
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Lisbon
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, London
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Blantyre
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Bujumbura
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Ceuta
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Gaborone
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Harare
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Johannesburg
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Juba
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Khartoum
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Kigali
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Lubumbashi
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Lusaka
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Maputo
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Maseru
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Mbabane
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Tripoli
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Windhoek
  • (GMT+02:00)Antarctica, Troll
  • (GMT+02:00)Arctic, Longyearbyen
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Amsterdam
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Andorra
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Belgrade
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Berlin
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Bratislava
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Brussels
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Budapest
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Busingen
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Copenhagen
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Gibraltar
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Kaliningrad
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Ljubljana
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Luxembourg
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Madrid
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Malta
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Monaco
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Oslo
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Paris
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Podgorica
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Prague
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Rome
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, San Marino
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Sarajevo
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Skopje
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Stockholm
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Tirane
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vaduz
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vatican
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vienna
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Warsaw
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Zagreb
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Zurich
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Addis Ababa
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Asmara
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Cairo
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Dar es Salaam
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Djibouti
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Kampala
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Mogadishu
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Nairobi
  • (GMT+03:00)Antarctica, Syowa
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Aden
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Amman
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Baghdad
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Bahrain
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Beirut
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Damascus
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Famagusta
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Gaza
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Hebron
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Jerusalem
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Kuwait
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Nicosia
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Qatar
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Riyadh
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Athens
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Bucharest
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Chisinau
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Helsinki
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Istanbul
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Kirov
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Kyiv
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Mariehamn
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Minsk
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Moscow
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Riga
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Simferopol
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Sofia
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Tallinn
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Vilnius
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Volgograd
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Antananarivo
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Comoro
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Mayotte
  • (GMT+03:30)Asia, Tehran
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Baku
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Dubai
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Muscat
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Tbilisi
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Yerevan
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Astrakhan
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Samara
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Saratov
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Ulyanovsk
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Mahe
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Mauritius
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Reunion
  • (GMT+04:30)Asia, Kabul
  • (GMT+05:00)Antarctica, Mawson
  • (GMT+05:00)Antarctica, Vostok
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Almaty
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Aqtau
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Aqtobe
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Ashgabat
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Atyrau
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Dushanbe
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Karachi
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Oral
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Qostanay
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Qyzylorda
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Samarkand
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Tashkent
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Yekaterinburg
  • (GMT+05:00)Indian, Kerguelen
  • (GMT+05:00)Indian, Maldives
  • (GMT+05:30)Asia, Colombo
  • (GMT+05:30)Asia, Kolkata
  • (GMT+05:45)Asia, Kathmandu
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Bishkek
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Dhaka
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Omsk
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Thimphu
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Urumqi
  • (GMT+06:00)Indian, Chagos
  • (GMT+06:30)Asia, Yangon
  • (GMT+06:30)Indian, Cocos
  • (GMT+07:00)Antarctica, Davis
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Bangkok
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Barnaul
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Ho Chi Minh
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Hovd
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Jakarta
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Krasnoyarsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Novokuznetsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Novosibirsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Phnom Penh
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Pontianak
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Tomsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Vientiane
  • (GMT+07:00)Indian, Christmas
  • (GMT+08:00)Antarctica, Casey
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Brunei
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Choibalsan
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Hong Kong
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Irkutsk
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Kuala Lumpur
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Kuching
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Macau
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Makassar
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Manila
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Shanghai
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Singapore
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Taipei
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Ulaanbaatar
  • (GMT+08:00)Australia, Perth
  • (GMT+08:45)Australia, Eucla
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Chita
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Dili
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Jayapura
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Khandyga
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Pyongyang
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Seoul
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Tokyo
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Yakutsk
  • (GMT+09:00)Pacific, Palau
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Adelaide
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Broken Hill
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Darwin
  • (GMT+10:00)Antarctica, DumontDUrville
  • (GMT+10:00)Antarctica, Macquarie
  • (GMT+10:00)Asia, Ust-Nera
  • (GMT+10:00)Asia, Vladivostok
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Brisbane
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Hobart
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Lindeman
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Melbourne
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Sydney
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Chuuk
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Guam
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Port Moresby
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Saipan
  • (GMT+10:30)Australia, Lord Howe
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Magadan
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Sakhalin
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Srednekolymsk
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Bougainville
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Efate
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Guadalcanal
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Kosrae
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Norfolk
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Noumea
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Pohnpei
  • (GMT+12:00)Antarctica, McMurdo
  • (GMT+12:00)Asia, Anadyr
  • (GMT+12:00)Asia, Kamchatka
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Auckland
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Fiji
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Funafuti
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Kwajalein
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Majuro
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Nauru
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Tarawa
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Wake
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Wallis
  • (GMT+12:45)Pacific, Chatham
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Apia
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Fakaofo
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Kanton
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Tongatapu
  • (GMT+14:00)Pacific, Kiritimati


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    Session Topic:
    What is the cheapest way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Lessons from carbon abatement costs.

    About the Seminar:

    In the quest for climate solutions, policymakers are continually seeking effective strategies to minimize greenhouse gas emissions without imposing exorbitant costs. This seminar will explore the critical role of carbon abatement costs in identifying the most cost-efficient technological solutions to reduce emissions. Roxana Shafiee, our distinguished speaker, will share insights from her research, highlighting the potential pitfalls of overlooking or inaccurately calculating abatement costs—mistakes that could lead to significant financial inefficiencies and the misallocation of resources in efforts to promote green technologies like hydrogen.

    About Our Speaker:
    Roxana Shafiee is an Environmental Fellow at the Harvard University Center for the Environment in the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. Roxana holds a DPhil in Environmental Research from the University of Oxford, where she developed the understanding of marine microorganisms responsible for carbon and nitrogen cycling between the oceans and atmosphere. Following her PhD, Roxana was an Environment, Climate Change and Energy Researcher at the Scottish Parliament, and held the position of Stanback Postdoctoral Fellow in Global Environmental Science at the California Institute of Technology between 2022–2023. Roxana continues her environmental research at Harvard, examining policies for energy decarbonisation.

    Join Us:
    This seminar promises to be an enlightening and engaging discussion for anyone interested in climate policy, sustainability research, and the interdisciplinary efforts required to navigate the challenges of environmental stewardship. We look forward to bringing together the Harvard research community to build connections, share knowledge, and inspire collaborative efforts toward a sustainable future.


    Please fill out the information below to register for the event.

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    Add to Calendar 2024/02/07 18:00:00 2024/02/07 19:00:00 America/New_York Salata Scholar Seminar | Roxana Shafiee
    Session Topic:
    What is the cheapest way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Lessons from carbon abatement costs.

    About the Seminar:

    In the quest for climate solutions, policymakers are continually seeking effective strategies to minimize greenhouse gas emissions without imposing exorbitant costs. This seminar will explore the critical role of carbon abatement costs in identifying the most cost-efficient technological solutions to reduce emissions. Roxana Shafiee, our distinguished speaker, will share insights from her research, highlighting the potential pitfalls of overlooking or inaccurately calculating abatement costs—mistakes that could lead to significant financial inefficiencies and the misallocation of resources in efforts to promote green technologies like hydrogen.

    About Our Speaker:
    Roxana Shafiee is an Environmental Fellow at the Harvard University Center for the Environment in the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. Roxana holds a DPhil in Environmental Research from the University of Oxford, where she developed the understanding of marine microorganisms responsible for carbon and nitrogen cycling between the oceans and atmosphere. Following her PhD, Roxana was an Environment, Climate Change and Energy Researcher at the Scottish Parliament, and held the position of Stanback Postdoctoral Fellow in Global Environmental Science at the California Institute of Technology between 2022–2023. Roxana continues her environmental research at Harvard, examining policies for energy decarbonisation.

    Join Us:
    This seminar promises to be an enlightening and engaging discussion for anyone interested in climate policy, sustainability research, and the interdisciplinary...

    Event details:

    HUCE Seminar Room 440, 26 Oxford St., Cambridge false MM/DD/YYYY 60 OPAQUE ataBgHfWozEYwnutbmsh62139

    You're interested in "Salata Scholar Seminar | Roxana Shafiee".

    We've sent a confirmation email to your email address. Be sure to check your junk folder in case you haven't received the confirmation.

    Add to Calendar 2024/02/07 18:00:00 2024/02/07 19:00:00 America/New_York Salata Scholar Seminar | Roxana Shafiee
    Session Topic:
    What is the cheapest way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Lessons from carbon abatement costs.

    About the Seminar:

    In the quest for climate solutions, policymakers are continually seeking effective strategies to minimize greenhouse gas emissions without imposing exorbitant costs. This seminar will explore the critical role of carbon abatement costs in identifying the most cost-efficient technological solutions to reduce emissions. Roxana Shafiee, our distinguished speaker, will share insights from her research, highlighting the potential pitfalls of overlooking or inaccurately calculating abatement costs—mistakes that could lead to significant financial inefficiencies and the misallocation of resources in efforts to promote green technologies like hydrogen.

    About Our Speaker:
    Roxana Shafiee is an Environmental Fellow at the Harvard University Center for the Environment in the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. Roxana holds a DPhil in Environmental Research from the University of Oxford, where she developed the understanding of marine microorganisms responsible for carbon and nitrogen cycling between the oceans and atmosphere. Following her PhD, Roxana was an Environment, Climate Change and Energy Researcher at the Scottish Parliament, and held the position of Stanback Postdoctoral Fellow in Global Environmental Science at the California Institute of Technology between 2022–2023. Roxana continues her environmental research at Harvard, examining policies for energy decarbonisation.

    Join Us:
    This seminar promises to be an enlightening and engaging discussion for anyone interested in climate policy, sustainability research, and the interdisciplinary...

    Event details:

    HUCE Seminar Room 440, 26 Oxford St., Cambridge false MM/DD/YYYY 60 OPAQUE ataBgHfWozEYwnutbmsh62139

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    HUCE Seminar Room 440, 26 Oxford St., Cambridge