Tuesday, June 23, 1:00pm - 2:00pm (EDT)
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We’re excited to kick off a few days of virtual training for Marketo, our new email/marketing automation platform. This training will be led by the folks at Fathom LLC, our Marketo implementation partner and will cover 5 key training areas. We are inviting folks we feel would benefit from an understanding of the tool but encourage you to forward these invites to anyone on your team – all are welcome!
Training will cover:
• Marketo Foundations
• Database Administration
• Daily User Training
• Creative Resources Training
• Power Users Training
We recommend attending the overview session at a minimum and appreciate your flexibility with your schedule. All sessions will be recorded and available to watch but we encourage you to attend the live sessions so you can ask questions.
Below is an outline of the training agenda for this session. You can visit https://uafoundation.org/marketo-training-overview to add additional sessions or share with your team. A description of each training session is can be found here.
We really appreciate you taking the time to join in on this training, we think it will present some exciting new ideas and we look forward to collaborating with you in taking advantage of its capabilities.
Please reach out to Jess Jenkins with any questions or for help in forwarding the training sessions.
Marketo Foundations Training – Tuesday 6/23, 10 – 11 AM
We recommend attending this training to get the necessary context for how the tool works and how it will work in the context of our organization
•Overall definition of Marketing automation, the platform, how it fits into our organization (i.e. the purposes it serves/tools it is replacing)- Navigating the platform
•Definitions (Programs, folders, smart campaigns, smart lists, static lists, assets)
•Program types + Use Cases overview
•Smart Campaigns (trigger vs. batch; defining triggers, filters, constraints, logic)
•Understanding platform's overall capabilities
Jess Jenkins, jess.jenkins@uafoundation.org