Roche's End-to-End R Submission September 10 2024

Roche's End-to-End R Journey to Submission


Tuesday, September 10, 12:00pm - 1:00pm (EDT)

south_america expand_more Time shown in-04:00 America, New York

Time zone



  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Midway
  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Niue
  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Pago Pago
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Honolulu
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Rarotonga
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Tahiti
  • (GMT-09:30)Pacific, Marquesas
  • (GMT-09:00)America, Adak
  • (GMT-09:00)Pacific, Gambier
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Anchorage
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Juneau
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Metlakatla
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Nome
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Sitka
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Yakutat
  • (GMT-08:00)Pacific, Pitcairn
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Creston
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Dawson
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Dawson Creek
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Fort Nelson
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Hermosillo
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Los Angeles
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Mazatlan
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Phoenix
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Tijuana
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Vancouver
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Whitehorse
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Bahia Banderas
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Belize
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Boise
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Cambridge Bay
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Chihuahua
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Ciudad Juarez
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Costa Rica
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Denver
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Edmonton
  • (GMT-06:00)America, El Salvador
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Guatemala
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Inuvik
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Managua
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Merida
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Mexico City
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Monterrey
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Regina
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Swift Current
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Tegucigalpa
  • (GMT-06:00)Pacific, Galapagos
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Atikokan
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Bogota
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Cancun
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Cayman
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Chicago
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Eirunepe
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Guayaquil
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Indiana, Knox
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Indiana, Tell City
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Jamaica
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Lima
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Matamoros
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Menominee
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, Beulah
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, Center
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, New Salem
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Ojinaga
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Panama
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Rankin Inlet
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Resolute
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Rio Branco
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Winnipeg
  • (GMT-05:00)Pacific, Easter
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Anguilla
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Antigua
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Aruba
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Asuncion
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Barbados
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Blanc-Sablon
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Boa Vista
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Campo Grande
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Caracas
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Cuiaba
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Curacao
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Detroit
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Dominica
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Grand Turk
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Grenada
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Guadeloupe
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Guyana
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Havana
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Indianapolis
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Marengo
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Petersburg
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Vevay
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Vincennes
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Winamac
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Iqaluit
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kentucky, Louisville
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kentucky, Monticello
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kralendijk
  • (GMT-04:00)America, La Paz
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Lower Princes
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Manaus
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Marigot
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Martinique
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Montserrat
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Nassau
  • (GMT-04:00)America, New York
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Port of Spain
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Port-au-Prince
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Porto Velho
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Puerto Rico
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Santo Domingo
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Barthelemy
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Kitts
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Lucia
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Thomas
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Vincent
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Toronto
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Tortola
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Araguaina
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Buenos Aires
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Catamarca
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Cordoba
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Jujuy
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, La Rioja
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Mendoza
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Rio Gallegos
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Salta
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, San Juan
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, San Luis
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Tucuman
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Ushuaia
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Bahia
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Belem
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Cayenne
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Fortaleza
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Glace Bay
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Goose Bay
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Halifax
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Maceio
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Moncton
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Montevideo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Paramaribo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Punta Arenas
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Recife
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Santarem
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Santiago
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Sao Paulo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Thule
  • (GMT-03:00)Antarctica, Palmer
  • (GMT-03:00)Antarctica, Rothera
  • (GMT-03:00)Atlantic, Bermuda
  • (GMT-03:00)Atlantic, Stanley
  • (GMT-02:30)America, St Johns
  • (GMT-02:00)America, Miquelon
  • (GMT-02:00)America, Noronha
  • (GMT-02:00)Atlantic, South Georgia
  • (GMT-01:00)America, Nuuk
  • (GMT-01:00)America, Scoresbysund
  • (GMT-01:00)Atlantic, Cape Verde
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Abidjan
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Accra
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Bamako
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Banjul
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Bissau
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Conakry
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Dakar
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Freetown
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Lome
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Monrovia
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Nouakchott
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Ouagadougou
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Sao Tome
  • (GMT+00:00)America, Danmarkshavn
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, Azores
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, Reykjavik
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, St Helena
  • (GMT+00:00)UTC
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Algiers
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Bangui
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Brazzaville
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Casablanca
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Douala
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, El Aaiun
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Kinshasa
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Lagos
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Libreville
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Luanda
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Malabo
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Ndjamena
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Niamey
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Porto-Novo
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Tunis
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Canary
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Faroe
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Madeira
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Dublin
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Guernsey
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Isle of Man
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  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, London
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Blantyre
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Bujumbura
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Ceuta
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Gaborone
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Harare
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Johannesburg
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Juba
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Khartoum
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Kigali
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Lubumbashi
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Lusaka
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Maputo
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Maseru
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Mbabane
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Tripoli
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Windhoek
  • (GMT+02:00)Antarctica, Troll
  • (GMT+02:00)Arctic, Longyearbyen
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Amsterdam
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Andorra
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Belgrade
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Berlin
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  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Ljubljana
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Luxembourg
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Madrid
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Malta
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Monaco
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Oslo
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Paris
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Podgorica
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Prague
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Rome
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, San Marino
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Sarajevo
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Skopje
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Stockholm
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Tirane
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vaduz
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vatican
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vienna
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Warsaw
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Zagreb
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Zurich
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Addis Ababa
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Asmara
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Cairo
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Dar es Salaam
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Djibouti
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Kampala
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Mogadishu
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Nairobi
  • (GMT+03:00)Antarctica, Syowa
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Aden
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Amman
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Baghdad
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Bahrain
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Beirut
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Damascus
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Famagusta
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Gaza
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Hebron
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Jerusalem
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Kuwait
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Nicosia
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Qatar
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Riyadh
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Athens
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Bucharest
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Chisinau
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Helsinki
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Istanbul
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Kirov
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Kyiv
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Mariehamn
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Minsk
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Moscow
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Riga
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Simferopol
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Sofia
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Tallinn
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Vilnius
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Volgograd
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Antananarivo
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Comoro
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Mayotte
  • (GMT+03:30)Asia, Tehran
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Baku
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Dubai
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Muscat
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Tbilisi
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Yerevan
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Astrakhan
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Samara
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Saratov
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Ulyanovsk
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Mahe
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Mauritius
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Reunion
  • (GMT+04:30)Asia, Kabul
  • (GMT+05:00)Antarctica, Mawson
  • (GMT+05:00)Antarctica, Vostok
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Almaty
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Aqtau
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Aqtobe
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Ashgabat
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Atyrau
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Dushanbe
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Karachi
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Oral
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Qostanay
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Qyzylorda
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Samarkand
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Tashkent
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Yekaterinburg
  • (GMT+05:00)Indian, Kerguelen
  • (GMT+05:00)Indian, Maldives
  • (GMT+05:30)Asia, Colombo
  • (GMT+05:30)Asia, Kolkata
  • (GMT+05:45)Asia, Kathmandu
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Bishkek
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Dhaka
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Omsk
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Thimphu
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Urumqi
  • (GMT+06:00)Indian, Chagos
  • (GMT+06:30)Asia, Yangon
  • (GMT+06:30)Indian, Cocos
  • (GMT+07:00)Antarctica, Davis
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Bangkok
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Barnaul
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Ho Chi Minh
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Hovd
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Jakarta
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Krasnoyarsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Novokuznetsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Novosibirsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Phnom Penh
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Pontianak
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Tomsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Vientiane
  • (GMT+07:00)Indian, Christmas
  • (GMT+08:00)Antarctica, Casey
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Brunei
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Choibalsan
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Hong Kong
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  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Kuala Lumpur
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  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Taipei
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Ulaanbaatar
  • (GMT+08:00)Australia, Perth
  • (GMT+08:45)Australia, Eucla
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Chita
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Dili
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Jayapura
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Khandyga
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Pyongyang
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Seoul
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Tokyo
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Yakutsk
  • (GMT+09:00)Pacific, Palau
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Adelaide
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Broken Hill
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Darwin
  • (GMT+10:00)Antarctica, DumontDUrville
  • (GMT+10:00)Antarctica, Macquarie
  • (GMT+10:00)Asia, Ust-Nera
  • (GMT+10:00)Asia, Vladivostok
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Brisbane
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Hobart
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Lindeman
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Melbourne
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Sydney
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Chuuk
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Guam
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Port Moresby
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Saipan
  • (GMT+10:30)Australia, Lord Howe
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Magadan
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Sakhalin
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Srednekolymsk
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Bougainville
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Efate
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Guadalcanal
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Kosrae
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Norfolk
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Noumea
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Pohnpei
  • (GMT+12:00)Antarctica, McMurdo
  • (GMT+12:00)Asia, Anadyr
  • (GMT+12:00)Asia, Kamchatka
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Auckland
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Fiji
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Funafuti
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Kwajalein
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Majuro
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Nauru
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Tarawa
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Wake
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Wallis
  • (GMT+12:45)Pacific, Chatham
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Apia
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Fakaofo
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Kanton
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Tongatapu
  • (GMT+14:00)Pacific, Kiritimati


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    In the rapidly evolving landscape of pharmaceutical development, Roche showcases the use of open-source R in the regulatory submission process. In this webinar, the Roche team will share a pioneering experience of end-to-end R submission for a new drug application to the FDA, EMA, and NMPA.  

    They will unfold the journey of overcoming the initial challenges to achieving the filing goal and emphasize the practicalities of processing, analyzing, and visualizing clinical trial data in R, leading to a comprehensive eSubmission package.  

    They will also share our strategic communication and collaboration with regulatory agencies, highlighting how R-generated data and documentation were effectively presented and validated within the submission framework. The successful end-to-end NDA submission using R packages, the majority of which are open-source packages (from pharmaverse), not only demonstrates the feasibility and benefits of leveraging such a powerful tool in the regulatory realm but also sets a precedent for its wider adoption in the pharmaceutical industry.


    Hinal Patel is a Principal Data Scientist at Roche.  She is a project lead in analytical data science and has worked primarily on oncology molecule submissions. She was previously a product owner for admiralonco.  She was an early adopter of Nextgen Tools & System and led a data science team to deliver end-to-end R submissions.

    Ning Leng is the ad-interim Global Head of the Data Science Acceleration Enabling Platform, under Roche Product Development Data Sciences. Ning has been driving a number of internal and cross-industry projects on modernizing Data Science solutions in pharma. 

    Jingyuan Chen is a Principal Data Scientist in Roche, taking the positions of Project lead in Analytical Data Science and study statistician in oncology studies. In the end-to-end R filing project, she takes the role of data science filing lead.

    More about Posit's work in Pharma:

    Watch Shifting to an Open-Source Backbone in Clinical Trials with Roche:


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    Add to Calendar 2024/09/10 12:00:00 2024/09/10 13:00:00 America/New_York Roche's End-to-End R Journey to Submission In the rapidly evolving landscape of pharmaceutical development, Roche showcases the use of open-source R in the regulatory submission process. In this webinar, the Roche team will share a pioneering experience of end-to-end R submission for a new drug application to the FDA, EMA, and NMPA.  

    They will unfold the journey of overcoming the initial challenges to achieving the filing goal and emphasize the practicalities of processing, analyzing, and visualizing clinical trial data in R, leading to a comprehensive eSubmission package.  

    They will also share our strategic communication and collaboration with regulatory agencies, highlighting how R-generated data and documentation were effectively presented and validated within the submission framework. The successful end-to-end NDA submission using R packages, the majority of which are open-source packages (from pharmaverse), not only demonstrates the feasibility and benefits of leveraging such a powerful tool in the regulatory realm but also sets a precedent for its wider adoption in the pharmaceutical industry.


    Hinal Patel is a Principal Data Scientist at Roche.  She is a project lead in analytical data science and has worked primarily on oncology molecule submissions. She was previously a product owner for admiralonco.  She was an early adopter of Nextgen Tools & System and led a data science team to deliver end-to-end R submissions.

    Ning Leng is the ad-interim Global Head of the Data Science Acceleration Enabling Platform, under Roche Product Development Data Sciences. Ning has been driving a number of internal and cross-industry projects on...

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    Add to Calendar 2024/09/10 12:00:00 2024/09/10 13:00:00 America/New_York Roche's End-to-End R Journey to Submission In the rapidly evolving landscape of pharmaceutical development, Roche showcases the use of open-source R in the regulatory submission process. In this webinar, the Roche team will share a pioneering experience of end-to-end R submission for a new drug application to the FDA, EMA, and NMPA.  

    They will unfold the journey of overcoming the initial challenges to achieving the filing goal and emphasize the practicalities of processing, analyzing, and visualizing clinical trial data in R, leading to a comprehensive eSubmission package.  

    They will also share our strategic communication and collaboration with regulatory agencies, highlighting how R-generated data and documentation were effectively presented and validated within the submission framework. The successful end-to-end NDA submission using R packages, the majority of which are open-source packages (from pharmaverse), not only demonstrates the feasibility and benefits of leveraging such a powerful tool in the regulatory realm but also sets a precedent for its wider adoption in the pharmaceutical industry.


    Hinal Patel is a Principal Data Scientist at Roche.  She is a project lead in analytical data science and has worked primarily on oncology molecule submissions. She was previously a product owner for admiralonco.  She was an early adopter of Nextgen Tools & System and led a data science team to deliver end-to-end R submissions.

    Ning Leng is the ad-interim Global Head of the Data Science Acceleration Enabling Platform, under Roche Product Development Data Sciences. Ning has been driving a number of internal and cross-industry projects on...

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    Tyler Minear,