Don't start with an OKR platform (and what to do instead)


Friday, October 18, 12:00pm - 12:45pm (EDT)

south_america expand_more Time shown in-04:00 America, New York

Time zone



  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Midway
  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Niue
  • (GMT-11:00)Pacific, Pago Pago
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Honolulu
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Rarotonga
  • (GMT-10:00)Pacific, Tahiti
  • (GMT-09:30)Pacific, Marquesas
  • (GMT-09:00)America, Adak
  • (GMT-09:00)Pacific, Gambier
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Anchorage
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Juneau
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Metlakatla
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Nome
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Sitka
  • (GMT-08:00)America, Yakutat
  • (GMT-08:00)Pacific, Pitcairn
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Creston
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Dawson
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Dawson Creek
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Fort Nelson
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Hermosillo
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Los Angeles
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Mazatlan
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Phoenix
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Tijuana
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Vancouver
  • (GMT-07:00)America, Whitehorse
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Bahia Banderas
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Belize
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Boise
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Cambridge Bay
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Chihuahua
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Ciudad Juarez
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Costa Rica
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Denver
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Edmonton
  • (GMT-06:00)America, El Salvador
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Guatemala
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Inuvik
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Managua
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Merida
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Mexico City
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Monterrey
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Regina
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Swift Current
  • (GMT-06:00)America, Tegucigalpa
  • (GMT-06:00)Pacific, Galapagos
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Atikokan
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Bogota
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Cancun
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Cayman
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Chicago
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Eirunepe
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Guayaquil
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Indiana, Knox
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Indiana, Tell City
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Jamaica
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Lima
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Matamoros
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Menominee
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, Beulah
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, Center
  • (GMT-05:00)America, North Dakota, New Salem
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Ojinaga
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Panama
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Rankin Inlet
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Resolute
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Rio Branco
  • (GMT-05:00)America, Winnipeg
  • (GMT-05:00)Pacific, Easter
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Anguilla
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Antigua
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Aruba
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Asuncion
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Barbados
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Blanc-Sablon
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Boa Vista
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Campo Grande
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Caracas
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Cuiaba
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Curacao
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Detroit
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Dominica
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Grand Turk
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Grenada
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Guadeloupe
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Guyana
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Havana
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Indianapolis
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Marengo
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Petersburg
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Vevay
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Vincennes
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Indiana, Winamac
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Iqaluit
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kentucky, Louisville
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kentucky, Monticello
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Kralendijk
  • (GMT-04:00)America, La Paz
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Lower Princes
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Manaus
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Marigot
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Martinique
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Montserrat
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Nassau
  • (GMT-04:00)America, New York
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Port of Spain
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Port-au-Prince
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Porto Velho
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Puerto Rico
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Santo Domingo
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Barthelemy
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Kitts
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Lucia
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Thomas
  • (GMT-04:00)America, St Vincent
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Toronto
  • (GMT-04:00)America, Tortola
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Araguaina
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Buenos Aires
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Catamarca
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Cordoba
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Jujuy
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, La Rioja
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Mendoza
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Rio Gallegos
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Salta
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, San Juan
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, San Luis
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Tucuman
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Argentina, Ushuaia
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Bahia
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Belem
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Cayenne
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Fortaleza
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Glace Bay
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Goose Bay
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Halifax
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Maceio
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Moncton
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Montevideo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Paramaribo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Punta Arenas
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Recife
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Santarem
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Santiago
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Sao Paulo
  • (GMT-03:00)America, Thule
  • (GMT-03:00)Antarctica, Palmer
  • (GMT-03:00)Antarctica, Rothera
  • (GMT-03:00)Atlantic, Bermuda
  • (GMT-03:00)Atlantic, Stanley
  • (GMT-02:30)America, St Johns
  • (GMT-02:00)America, Miquelon
  • (GMT-02:00)America, Noronha
  • (GMT-02:00)Atlantic, South Georgia
  • (GMT-01:00)America, Nuuk
  • (GMT-01:00)America, Scoresbysund
  • (GMT-01:00)Atlantic, Cape Verde
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Abidjan
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Accra
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Bamako
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Banjul
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Bissau
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Conakry
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Dakar
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Freetown
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Lome
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Monrovia
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Nouakchott
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Ouagadougou
  • (GMT+00:00)Africa, Sao Tome
  • (GMT+00:00)America, Danmarkshavn
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, Azores
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, Reykjavik
  • (GMT+00:00)Atlantic, St Helena
  • (GMT+00:00)UTC
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Algiers
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Bangui
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Brazzaville
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Casablanca
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Douala
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, El Aaiun
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Kinshasa
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Lagos
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Libreville
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Luanda
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Malabo
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Ndjamena
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Niamey
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Porto-Novo
  • (GMT+01:00)Africa, Tunis
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Canary
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Faroe
  • (GMT+01:00)Atlantic, Madeira
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Dublin
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Guernsey
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Isle of Man
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Jersey
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, Lisbon
  • (GMT+01:00)Europe, London
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Blantyre
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Bujumbura
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Ceuta
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Gaborone
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Harare
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Johannesburg
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Juba
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Khartoum
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Kigali
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Lubumbashi
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Lusaka
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Maputo
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Maseru
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Mbabane
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Tripoli
  • (GMT+02:00)Africa, Windhoek
  • (GMT+02:00)Antarctica, Troll
  • (GMT+02:00)Arctic, Longyearbyen
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Amsterdam
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Andorra
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Belgrade
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Berlin
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Bratislava
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Brussels
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Budapest
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Busingen
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Copenhagen
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Gibraltar
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Kaliningrad
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Ljubljana
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Luxembourg
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Madrid
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Malta
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Monaco
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Oslo
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Paris
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Podgorica
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Prague
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Rome
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, San Marino
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Sarajevo
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Skopje
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Stockholm
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Tirane
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vaduz
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vatican
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Vienna
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Warsaw
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Zagreb
  • (GMT+02:00)Europe, Zurich
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Addis Ababa
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Asmara
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Cairo
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Dar es Salaam
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Djibouti
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Kampala
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Mogadishu
  • (GMT+03:00)Africa, Nairobi
  • (GMT+03:00)Antarctica, Syowa
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Aden
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Amman
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Baghdad
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Bahrain
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Beirut
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Damascus
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Famagusta
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Gaza
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Hebron
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Jerusalem
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Kuwait
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Nicosia
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Qatar
  • (GMT+03:00)Asia, Riyadh
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Athens
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Bucharest
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Chisinau
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Helsinki
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Istanbul
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Kirov
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Kyiv
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Mariehamn
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Minsk
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Moscow
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Riga
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Simferopol
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Sofia
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Tallinn
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Vilnius
  • (GMT+03:00)Europe, Volgograd
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Antananarivo
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Comoro
  • (GMT+03:00)Indian, Mayotte
  • (GMT+03:30)Asia, Tehran
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Baku
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Dubai
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Muscat
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Tbilisi
  • (GMT+04:00)Asia, Yerevan
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Astrakhan
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Samara
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Saratov
  • (GMT+04:00)Europe, Ulyanovsk
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Mahe
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Mauritius
  • (GMT+04:00)Indian, Reunion
  • (GMT+04:30)Asia, Kabul
  • (GMT+05:00)Antarctica, Mawson
  • (GMT+05:00)Antarctica, Vostok
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Almaty
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Aqtau
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Aqtobe
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Ashgabat
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Atyrau
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Dushanbe
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Karachi
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Oral
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Qostanay
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Qyzylorda
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Samarkand
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Tashkent
  • (GMT+05:00)Asia, Yekaterinburg
  • (GMT+05:00)Indian, Kerguelen
  • (GMT+05:00)Indian, Maldives
  • (GMT+05:30)Asia, Colombo
  • (GMT+05:30)Asia, Kolkata
  • (GMT+05:45)Asia, Kathmandu
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Bishkek
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Dhaka
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Omsk
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Thimphu
  • (GMT+06:00)Asia, Urumqi
  • (GMT+06:00)Indian, Chagos
  • (GMT+06:30)Asia, Yangon
  • (GMT+06:30)Indian, Cocos
  • (GMT+07:00)Antarctica, Davis
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Bangkok
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Barnaul
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Ho Chi Minh
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Hovd
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Jakarta
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Krasnoyarsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Novokuznetsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Novosibirsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Phnom Penh
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Pontianak
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Tomsk
  • (GMT+07:00)Asia, Vientiane
  • (GMT+07:00)Indian, Christmas
  • (GMT+08:00)Antarctica, Casey
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Brunei
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Choibalsan
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Hong Kong
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Irkutsk
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Kuala Lumpur
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Kuching
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Macau
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Makassar
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Manila
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Shanghai
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Singapore
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Taipei
  • (GMT+08:00)Asia, Ulaanbaatar
  • (GMT+08:00)Australia, Perth
  • (GMT+08:45)Australia, Eucla
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Chita
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Dili
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Jayapura
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Khandyga
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Pyongyang
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Seoul
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Tokyo
  • (GMT+09:00)Asia, Yakutsk
  • (GMT+09:00)Pacific, Palau
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Adelaide
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Broken Hill
  • (GMT+09:30)Australia, Darwin
  • (GMT+10:00)Antarctica, DumontDUrville
  • (GMT+10:00)Antarctica, Macquarie
  • (GMT+10:00)Asia, Ust-Nera
  • (GMT+10:00)Asia, Vladivostok
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Brisbane
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Hobart
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Lindeman
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Melbourne
  • (GMT+10:00)Australia, Sydney
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Chuuk
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Guam
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Port Moresby
  • (GMT+10:00)Pacific, Saipan
  • (GMT+10:30)Australia, Lord Howe
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Magadan
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Sakhalin
  • (GMT+11:00)Asia, Srednekolymsk
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Bougainville
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Efate
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Guadalcanal
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Kosrae
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Norfolk
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Noumea
  • (GMT+11:00)Pacific, Pohnpei
  • (GMT+12:00)Antarctica, McMurdo
  • (GMT+12:00)Asia, Anadyr
  • (GMT+12:00)Asia, Kamchatka
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Auckland
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Fiji
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Funafuti
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Kwajalein
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Majuro
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Nauru
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Tarawa
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Wake
  • (GMT+12:00)Pacific, Wallis
  • (GMT+12:45)Pacific, Chatham
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Apia
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Fakaofo
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Kanton
  • (GMT+13:00)Pacific, Tongatapu
  • (GMT+14:00)Pacific, Kiritimati


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    Joining info coming soon, and just in case the updates don't push through to your calendar, you can find the events and links to join within seven days prior to each event via:


    Data on Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) adoption and methodology failure is scarce, but in the past, the statistic that 90% of organizational OKR implementations fail to achieve their goals was shared by a training organization in the space. Now, I can't vouch for the validity of that statistic from a research basis, but I can say: it tracks with what I see in the real world every day.

    I’ve seen it over and over: 

    • A leader reads Measure What Matters and gets excited about OKRs
    • They hand the book to their operational or strategic “right hand,” and say: “Let’s do this!” 
    • That person googles “OKRs” and finds numerous OKR platforms vying for their SAAS spend. 
    • Thinking a tool will solve everything, you choose one and optimistically and excitedly begin onboarding.
    • Initially, leadership and a few enthusiastic adopters are excited... but most of the organization remains skeptical.
    And then what?

    One quarter in, it's the same quarterly or monthly business review crew doing the heavy lifting of harassing their colleagues for OKR updates as before OKRs was implemented so that the leaders have the pretty dashboards they want -- and aside from that, the weekly active usage of the platform is far below expectations (I'm talking single digits or even smaller). 

    The platform’s onboarding team has moved on to their next new client, leaving you with a mess: people are more confused and frustrated than before. So NOW what?

    If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.

    You can skip this frustration, drama, and waste (or right-track your in-progress OKR adoption) by developing a coherent and successful OKR methodology adoption BEFORE focusing on your OKR tool or platform. (Yes, even in very large organizations.)

    Join me for this 45-minute live Goal Fridays event, ‘Don’t Start with an OKR Platform (Do THIS Instead),’ where we’ll break down step by step the stages of a successful OKR onboarding, so that you can shift from confusion and frustration to clarity and effective implementation in just 45 minutes.

    Why Attend?
    • Gain Clarity: Understand the foundational principles of OKRs and why and how starting with a tool can lead to failure.
    • Practical Takeaways: Learn the key steps to develop a successful OKR methodology approach that aligns with your organizational goals.
    • Avoid Common Pitfalls: Identify and avoid the common mistakes organizations make when adopting OKRs -- with or without OKR software.
    • Real-Life Examples: Hear stories of organizations that successfully implemented OKRs without starting with a platform.
    We’re primarily focused on OKR adoption in the workplace and career settings, but you’re welcome to join no matter what domain you’re setting goals in. This session is packed with valuable insights to help you cut through the noise and take meaningful steps toward your vision. Don’t let a tool-first approach derail your OKR ambitions—start with a solid methodology and achieve more with less stress and less waste right away!

    RSVP now to secure your spot and take the first step towards a more effective and impactful OKR implementation. Don’t forget to share this event with friends and colleagues who could benefit from a fresh, actually-useful approach to OKR adoption!

    Add to Calendar 2024/10/18 09:00:00 2024/10/18 09:45:00 America/Los_Angeles Don't start with an OKR platform (and what to do instead) Joining info coming soon, and just in case the updates don't push through to your calendar, you can find the events and links to join within seven days prior to each event via:


    Data on Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) adoption and methodology failure is scarce, but in the past, the statistic that 90% of organizational OKR implementations fail to achieve their goals was shared by a training organization in the space. Now, I can't vouch for the validity of that statistic from a research basis, but I can say: it tracks with what I see in the real world every day.

    I’ve seen it over and over: 
    • A leader reads Measure What Matters and gets excited about OKRs
    • They hand the book to their operational or strategic “right hand,” and say: “Let’s do this!” 
    • That person googles “OKRs” and finds numerous OKR platforms vying for their SAAS spend. 
    • Thinking a tool will solve everything, you choose one and optimistically and excitedly begin onboarding.
    • Initially, leadership and a few enthusiastic adopters are excited... but most of the organization remains skeptical.
    And then what?

    One quarter in, it's the same quarterly or monthly business review crew doing the heavy lifting of harassing their colleagues for OKR updates as before OKRs was implemented so that the leaders have the pretty dashboards they want -- and aside from that, the weekly active usage of the platform is far below expectations (I'm talking single digits or even smaller). 

    The platform’s onboarding team has moved on to their...

    Event details:

    YouTube and LinkedIn (link to follow!) false MM/DD/YYYY 30 OPAQUE aCfdSZjDhzBaXLMCAmXF268926

    YouTube and LinkedIn (link to follow!)


    Sara Lobkovich,