Tuesday, March 5, 4:00pm - 6:10pm (EST)
JoJo Rabbit (Film4, Tue 9:00pm) released in 2019, is a satirical black comedy film directed by Taika Waititi, who also plays a role in the movie. The story is set during World War II and follows a young German boy named Jojo Betzler, a Hitler Youth member who discovers that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their attic. Jojo, who has an imaginary friend in the form of an idiotic version of Adolf Hitler, initially holds fanatical Nazi beliefs. However, as he forms a bond with the girl, his worldview begins to change. The film tackles the absurdity and horror of war and hatred through a unique blend of humor and poignant drama, offering a fresh perspective on the themes of fanaticism, indoctrination, and the power of love and understanding to overcome prejudice.
The film's score and soundtrack play a crucial role in establishing its tone. Composed by Michael Giacchino (Up, Ratatouille, The Incredibles) the score beautifully complements the film's juxtaposition of dark themes with whimsical and comedic elements. It features a range of styles, from playful and light-hearted to somber and reflective, mirroring Jojo's emotional journey throughout the film. Additionally, the soundtrack includes a mix of contemporary and period-specific songs, such as German versions of popular Beatles and David Bowie songs, which add an anachronistic yet effective touch to the film's exploration of Nazi Germany through a child's eyes. This blend of music contributes significantly to the film's unique atmosphere, enhancing both its comedic and dramatic moments.
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