Thursday, June 4, 12:30pm - 2:45pm (EDT)
As the coronavirus pandemic spreads and courts around the world are closing, there is a need to work remotely.
To ensure ongoing access to justice, governments and judiciaries are rapidly introducing various forms of 'Remote Court' – audio hearings (largely by telephone), video hearings (for example, by Skype and Zoom), and paper hearings (decisions delivered based on paper submissions). At remarkable speed, new methods and techniques are being developed.
That is why we decided to discuss approaches of Remote Court hearings in different countries. At this event, we will discuss such an experience with:
Dovydas Vitkauskas – Team Leader of the European Union Project Pravo-Justice (Ukraine)
Darren Howe QC – Chair of the Technology sub committee Family Law Bar Association (the UK)
Larry Bridgesmith – Chair of the Dispute Resolution Commission of the Tennessee Supreme Court, Managing partner at Accelerate Insite and co-organizer at Music City Legal Hackers (the USA)
Stefan Eder – Partner at the Benn-Ibler Rechtsanwälte GmbH, investor and co-organizer at Vienna Legal Hackers (Austria)
Dmitry Foremnyi – Head of the HiiL Justice Accelerator in Ukraine and co-organizer at Kyiv Legal Hackers, will moderate the discussion.
The event is FREE.
We invite you to join the stream by the link
See you soon!
Inna Ptitsyna,