Friday, October 4, 5:30am - 7:00am (EDT)
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Helping local communities deliver motor traffic reduction
Low Traffic Future, an alliance which includes over 20 national environmental, health and road safety organisations, is inviting England’s local transport authorities (i.e. combined authorities and county councils) to sign up to a Transport Choices Challenge, as a statement of their ambition to reduce motor traffic by promoting clean and healthy transport choices.
Authorities can sign up to the Challenge at bronze, silver or gold levels, depending on the scale of their motor traffic reduction ambitions and the number of Challenge Policies they are willing to include in their Local Transport Plans. The three Challenge levels recognise that it is easier for city authorities to be ambitious than for shire counties, and that all authorities currently face funding uncertainties.
The more local authorities that sign up, the clearer the message to the new Government about the funding and other support that local authorities need if they are to deliver a safe, affordable, accessible, healthy and environmentally-friendly transport system.
Join the webinar to learn about the Challenge and hear from other authorities who have signed up, and how it is helping them and their local communities to work together in developing their Local Transport Plan policies and programmes.
Zoom Webinar
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