Tuesday, May 23, 1:00am - 2:30am (CDT)
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You're registered for the in-person event in Geneva: Ensuring healthy aging across the world: What’s needed?
Join us for an event on the sidelines of WHA 76 in Geneva at the Warwick Geneva hotel where Devex in partnership with McKinsey Health Institute, on the occasion of the 76th World Health Assembly, will explore what’s needed to improve the lives of older people globally.
The event will discuss how global health stakeholders ranging from the World Health Organization and country governments to civil society and investors can help advance good health for all older people.
Registering for this event also signs you up for our main Devex CheckUp @ WHA 76 programming, which will take place on May 24-25: https://pages.devex.com/devex-checkup-at-wha-76.html
Rue de Lausanne 14, 1201 Genève, Switzerland
Devex LIVE, events@devex.com