Sunday, February 8 - Monday, February 9
Occurs yearly in February on the 8th of the month, starting from Feb 8, 2023, forever (MDT)
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Quick facts: born into a prominent family in the Darfur region of Sudan, Josephine was kidnapped around the age of 8 and sold into slavery. For the next 12 years, she was bought and sold so many times that she forgot her name. Her last owner was an Italian Vice counsel. When the family had to leave for a trip, they sent Josephina and their daughter into the care of Canossian sisters. There she met Jesus. She was later freed as a slave under the Italian court and she remained with the Canossian sisters.
Patron Saint of: Sudan and victims of human trafficking
Simple ways to celebrate: eat Sudanese food, or Italian, pray for the victims of slavery and human trafficking.
Find St. Josephine at The Little Rose Shop
St. Josephine: Who She is and Why we are Celebrating
Coloring Page
The Little Rose Shop,