Last occurrence: Wednesday, January 29, 7:00pm - 9:00pm (EST)
Occurs weekly on Wednesday, starting from Jan 8, 2025, 4 times (EDT)
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About this Workshop:
One of the greatest gifts of poetry is it allows us to explore our humanness with compassion and playfulness, even when the subjects challenge us. Psychologist Michael Brant DeMaria identifies four topics we often shy from meeting openly—love, death, desire and madness—and in this four-part workshop series, we’ll circle each of them through reading and writing poetry.
Curiosity will be our guide. How might exploring raw, vulnerable states open us to depth, startle us with wonder, and invite a more profound relationship with the sacred? In each session, we’ll read poems, write poems of our own, discuss process, and have a chance to share the writing we do together—or not. All levels of writing are welcome.One of the greatest gifts of poetry is it allows us to explore our humanness with compassion and playfulness, even when the subjects challenge us. Psychologist Michael Brant DeMaria identifies four topics we often shy from meeting openly—love, death, desire and madness—and in this four-part workshop series, we’ll circle each of them through reading and writing poetry.
Curiosity will be our guide. How might exploring raw, vulnerable states open us to depth, startle us with wonder, and invite a more profound relationship with the sacred? In each session, we’ll read poems, write poems of our own, discuss process, and have a chance to share the writing we do together—or not. All levels of writing are welcome.Online
One Spirit Learning Alliance,