Next occurrence: Monday, February 3, 3:00pm - Wednesday, February 5, 4:30pm (EST)
Occurs every 3 days, starting from Feb 3, 2025, 3 times (PST)
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In this mini series we will get clear on four things:
1) What type of investing is right for you
Based on 15 types of investing I've been studying over the last 9 years, your time available, how active or passive you want to be in the investment.2) Where you will find the money to invest
When to use/not use retirement funds and other optionsExamples of turning debt into an asset3) The passive income you will be able to generate based on real-time current examples.
4) Next Steps to implement your plan!
How to get connected to the right investment opportunities!
This is a lot to cover, so I broke it into a 3 day , 1 hour masterclass series with a Q and A at the end.
Sarah Sullivan,