Mark your calendars for an in-depth discussion about inclusive growth
Save the date, Friday, May 6, for the National Economic Conference on Inclusive Economic Development and Recovery, held jointly by the Upjohn Institute, Economic Development Quarterly, and the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City.
The virtual conference explores the impact of COVID-19 on economic inequality and assesses strategies for promoting inclusive economic development following the pandemic. Planned sessions include:
- Framing the Conversation on COVID and Inequity
- The Paycheck Protection Program and Its Implications for Inclusivity
- Prospects and Opportunities for Equitable Entrepreneurship
- Place-based Approaches for Inclusion
- Has COVID Derailed Efforts on Equity?
Session moderators are Mike Horrigan, Randy Eberts, Tim Bartik and George Erickcek of the Upjohn Institute and Howard Wial of the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City. The conference will generate a dialogue between researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Much of the research presented at the conference and the conference’s proceedings will be included in a special issue of Economic Development Quarterly, the premiere applied academic journal on economic and workforce development issues.
Additional details and registration information to come. For more information, contact