Tuesday, December 10, 11:30am - 1:00pm (EST)
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Do you ever find yourself juggling a school assignment, your next sports
game, a part-time job, and recent conversations with your friends in your
mind at the same time? Do you find it hard to keep your attention on what
you are doing when your phone buzzes? It's hard to stay focused no matter
what we have going on in our lives. In our Focus Mode workshop, you'll
learn why multitasking is a myth and how constant distractions are keeping
many of us from reaching our goals. Whether you want to get better
grades, excel in sports, be a better friend, or figure out your next steps after
high school, this workshop will give you the tools to stay focused on what
really matters to you. Whatever you decide to do next in life, your attention
will be required. Is yours in control?
We currently don't accept more RSVPs for this event at this time.
warning1979 Godfrey Dr, Waupaca, WI 54981
Ivan Wayne, ivanwayne@thevoyagerr.com