Tuesday, October 13, 2:00pm - 3:15pm (CDT)
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Our lunch speaker will be Bill Boos, Deputy Chief of Operations at Bend Fire & Rescue. Bill began his career as Volunteer Firefighter for the Sunriver Fire Department in 1983. During his time in Sunriver, he attended Linfield College and received a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. In 1995, he received his Paramedic Certification and was hired full time with the Sunriver Fire Department. He made his way up the ranks and achieved the position of Captain/Training Officer with Sunriver.
In 1997, he was hired as a Firefighter with the City of Bend Fire Department. He was quickly promoted to Captain and was elected to the Association President for Local #939. After several years as Captain, he was promoted to Battalion Chief. Recently held the position of Deputy of Chief of Fire Operations. Currently, he is Deputy Chief of Operations, and 2nd Vice President for 2021 for the Oregon Fire Chiefs Association.
https://zoom.us/j/95574383657 or call 669-900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 955 7438 3657
Rotary Club of Greater Bend, rotaryclubofgreaterbendoregon@gmail.com