Thursday, February 20, 11:00am - 12:00pm (EST)
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Selling your agency is like stepping into the unknown. It’s not just a transaction, but an emotional and logistical maze to navigate. It’s all the more difficult to navigate when the sale doesn’t go to plan. This is what happened to Jonathan Jacobs, co-founder of Digital Natives Group and LOUDMOUTH. He sold the former agency in 2021 - but when things finally went through, he was faced with a tough, unexpected choice. He could either buy the agency back, or let it be scrapped completely.
After a phone call with the new interim CMO, he called their bluff. “I don’t want it, right? I sold it to you because I didn’t want to do it anymore.” And so the agency was thrown on the bonfire. Employees finished their 30-day notice periods, and they were gone. Poof.
In this session, Jonathan will share his experience in navigating the complications of selling, and dealing with the emotions that come with it.