Tuesday, February 11, 4:00pm - 6:30pm (CST)
Zoom: https://dentglobal.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsce-tqzotHdRqOvUfzUTzSghnP0xBiL0m
People do business with people and brands that they know, like and trust, and it takes 7 hours of content, 11 different touch points, across 4 different locations for someone to feel they know, like and trust you. When you think about this in terms of phone calls, meetings and presentations, this sounds like a lot of work just to get your foot in the door. On the other hand, you can achieve the same result by publishing high quality content that showcases your mountain of value.
Unless you share your best ideas, your unique insights into your industry, and the stories you've accumulated over the years of doing what you love, they are simply ideas – and ideas are worthless. Keeping them to yourself won't help anyone understand the value that you offer, and it certainly will not position you as an influential expert in your field.
Influence flows from output, and output can take many different forms. We encourage you to publish content that gives your audience something they can watch, read, listen to, and do. But don't get overwhelmed. Start with getting clear on your Value Foundations, then develop your Publish Fast-Start strategy.
For more information on this session, please go to the events section in the GSD Portal.
Team Dent, support@dent.global