Tuesday, December 15, 3:00pm - 4:15pm (EST)
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Michele has always focused on contributing to the local community and has focused her efforts on promoting many worthy community organizations. She currently serves on the executive committee for Redmond Economic Development Inc. (REDI) and as executive director for Opportunity Knocks; a facilitated peer mentorship program for CEO’s and senior leaders. Past board experience includes the board of directors for Portland Fashion Week, the governance committee for Portland Center Stage, board member for Self Enhancement Inc., executive board committee for Oregon Ballet Theatre and a mentor for GLAD (Girls Leadership and Development) through Boys and Girls Aid Society. She was also a co-chair for the Multiple Sclerosis auction, a member of Portland Advertising Federation and a member of the Young Entrepreneurs Organization. Michele founded a non-profit program, BecomeX, providing young women with experiential learning in the areas of self-discovery, career competence and essential skills to lead a healthy and happy life.
https://zoom.us/j/97075704522 or call (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 970 7570 4522.
Rotary Club of Greater Bend, rotaryclubofgreaterbendoregon@gmail.com