Tuesday, March 4, 4:00pm - 5:30pm (EST)
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Heidi Cruz-Austin, choreographer
Carithanne Cushman, visual artist
Jessica Suchon, poet
Robyn Watson, choreographer
How do we find our true voices in the midst of external chaos and internal judgment? How we can embrace collaboration without the fear of confrontation or retaliation? How can creating art guide us to break stifling patterns and remind us that self-expression is an evolving process? If we feel overwhelmed, how do we break free?
Heidi Cruz-Austin, choreographer
Carithanne Cushman, visual artist
Jessica Suchon, poet
Robyn Watson, choreographer
How do we find our true voices in the midst of external chaos and internal judgment? How we can embrace collaboration without the fear of confrontation or retaliation? How can creating art guide us to break stifling patterns and remind us that self-expression is an evolving process? If we feel overwhelmed, how do we break free?
317 Hamilton Street , Easton, 18042, PA, USA false MM/DD/YYYY 1440 OPAQUE anIumWyQjzNnjSXCimIa304289317 Hamilton Street , Easton, 18042, PA, USA
The Arts at Lafayette, the-arts.group@lafayette.edu