Tuesday, March 22, 3:00pm - 4:30pm (EDT)
To join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84734112215?pwd=QnZYOVBQTVVrUG5RYm96NVh3Ump2dz09
Demand for workplace talent is high. The flexibilities provided to workers during the COVID-19 pandemic may be with us to stay. These conditions may result in expanded access to workforce activities for people with disabilities.
To ensure that workforce programs are ready to meet this demand, leverage new workplace flexibilities and support job seekers and career changers equitably, programs often need to draw on a range of different funding sources. The ability to blend, braid, or sequence one funding source with others becomes an essential ingredient to support employment, equity, and inclusion. Yet, each source of funding usually comes with specific goals, target populations, and performance indicators.
In this federal interagency webinar hosted by the LEAD Center, state and local practitioners across the workforce systems supporting people with disabilities will discuss how they successfully apply innovative collaborative resource sharing that benefits both businesses and job seekers with disabilities.
Featuring Speakers from:
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Dallas Oberlee, dallas_oberlee@spra.com