Next occurrence: Wednesday, April 2, 8:00pm - 10:00pm (EDT)
Occurs monthly on the first Thursday of the month, starting from Aug 4, 2022, forever (AEDT)
Time zone
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Webinars designed to deepen your knowledge
Every month the Soil Matters Newsletter has a theme to inspire thought on a wide variety of Regenerative Farming subjects.
These are designed to get you a deeper understanding of the practical implications of farming for health and for long-term profits from your farm and gardens.
Hang out with other soil lovers who all geek out about soil and love to dig deeper into soil health.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 829 0212 1935
Passcode: classroom
This is a Coaching Call with Group Q&A designed to get you more profits and success from your regen farm and gardens. I'd love to make this as impactful as possible submit what's on your mind and a question we can help you with this week.
Let's hang out with other soil lovers who all geek out about soil and love to dig deeper into soil health.