Tuesday, April 25, 3:00pm - 5:00pm (EDT)
Hello, my name is Stephen Sturdivant, and I work for the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6. I would like to invite you to another free virtual event where we will get an overview of the impacts of modern agriculture on the environment, public health, and climate change, how agriculture is currently regulated, and what can be done to reduce that impact and help shape a sustainable climate-friendly and fair food system. Our speaker will be Peter Lehner, currently Managing Attorney of the Sustainable Food & Farming program at Earthjustice and former Executive Director of NRDC and Chief of the New York Attorney General’s Environmental Protection Bureau. Peter teaches a seminar on food systems and US environmental law and is a frequent speaker as well as the co-author of Farming for Our Future; The Science, Law, and Policy of Climate-Neutral Agriculture.
When: Tuesday, April 25th, 2:00PM – 4:00PM Central Daylight Time (Time Zone for Dallas, Texas)
URL: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Yjc2OWNkZDItNzc2My00YzgwLWFhMTYtY2Y0ODZmYzJiNjUy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2288b378b3-6748-4867-acf9-76aacbeca6a7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e47c4abd-1b05-47f4-87e4-4d2f46f20584%22%7d
Or search for the Microsoft TEAMS “join a meeting” webpage and enter the information below:
Meeting ID: 222 439 680 104 Passcode: kjfgMJ
Stephen, sturdivant.stephen@epa.gov