Next occurrence: Thursday, February 6, 6:00pm - 7:30pm (EST)
Occurs monthly on the first Thursday of the month, starting from Oct 3, 2024, 6 times (EST)
Time zone
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Hosted by Evergreen United Methodist Church and The Local Church, you're invited to a free community dinner on the first Thursday of every month. It’s an opportunity to meet neighbors, build community, and ensure everyone has a good meal.
Organizado por la Iglesia Metodista Unida Evergreen y la Iglesia Local, estás invitado a una cena comunitaria gratuita el primer jueves de cada mes. Es una oportunidad para conocer a los vecinos, crear comunidad y garantizar que todos disfruten de una buena comida.
11098 US Hwy 15 501 N, Chapel Hill, 27517, NC, USA
The Local Church,