Tuesday, June 22, 2:00pm - 3:15pm (CDT)
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Our lunch speaker will be Dr. Hollie Smith, University of Oregon Assistant Professor of Science and Environmental Communication, for a look at research in science communication as it relates to journalism and environmental issues.
Dr. Smith will provide a critical look at wildfire issues in the Western U.S. Dr. Smith will walk us through a case study of how wildfire is discussed in different public domains, the importance of shared meaning, and how communication can lead to collaborative solutions. The case study is a cooperative project between scholars at the University of Oregon, Northwest Fire Science Consortium, Oregon State University, and Colorado State University.
This meeting will be all-virtual. Join the Zoom Meeting here: RCGB Zoom Link
You can also call in to the meeting at (669) 900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 692 491 9146. If you're asked, the passcode is 5110.
https://bit.ly/3u9AP0j or call (669) 900-9128, meeting ID: 692 491 9146, passcode is 5110
Rotary Club of Greater Bend, rotaryclubofgreaterbendoregon@gmail.com