Wednesday, May 10, 9:30am - 1:00pm (EDT)
The "What Transdisciplinary Knowledge Looks Like" symposium showcases contemporary knowledge alchemists: designers, artists, and scientists who transcend disciplinary boundaries in order to discover and to test alternative projections of technologies and modes of thinking. Are they rogue agents of provocation, or pioneers of future professions?
ABRA (Artificial Biology, Robotics and Art) project in collaboration with MOME invites educators, students, researchers, designers, artists, and scientists to jointly envision a bridge between possibilities in transdisciplinary education and the professions of tomorrow.
ABRA is a pilot project for cultivating transdisciplinary higher education and capacity building in science and arts. The project is focused on entanglement of artificial biology, robotics, art and design for enhanced social and environmental sustainability.
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MOME, Zugligeti út 9, Budapest, 1121, Hungary
Institute of Advanced Design Studies