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Quick facts: the Commemoration of the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper before Jesus was crucifiedSimple ways to celebrate: Family washing of the feet, prepare and eat a Seder mealColoring PageHow to Celebrate the Triduum
Quick Facts: The observance of Jesus' Crucifixtion. A day of required fasting and abstinence See the USCCB's guidelinesSimple ways to observe: Day of fasting, attend Good Friday observances, pray the Stations of the Cross, avoid any unnecessary work after noonColoring PageHow to Celebrate the TriduumReadings
Quick facts: The day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. No Masses are celebrated throughout the worldSimple ways to observe: maintain a solemn silence until the Easter Vigil, continue Good Friday fastColoring PageHow to Celebrate the Triduum
Quick facts: Jesus Christ is Risen! He is Risen, indeed.Simple ways to celebrate: Family song of "Jesus Christ is Risen Today", Pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, Follow along with The Little Rose Shop, download our free Easter phone backgroundFree Easter Celebration PackFind Easter at The Little Rose ShopColoring PageHow to Celebrate the TriduumMass Readings
Quick facts: Roman soldier known for battling a dragonPatron saint of England and Boy ScoutsSimple ways to celebrate: Sword fights! Check out our awesome DIY Cut and Sew tutorialColoring PageFind St. George at The Little Rose Shop
Quick Facts: St. Mark the Evangelist wrote the second Gospel. He wrote the Gospel in Greek to help the Gentiles learn the Gospel. Patron of: NotariesSimple Ways to Celebrate: read a passage from the Gospel of Mark.
Sunday ReadingsDivine Mercy SundayFind Divine Mercy Sunday at The Little Rose Shop
Quick facts: Modern day saint, doctor, wife and mother. Known for denying a medical treatment that would have killed her unborn childPatron of the unborn, mothers, and doctorsSimple Ways to celebrate: pray for doctors, and mothers working inside and outside of the homeColoring PageFind St. Gianna at The Little Rose ShopWhat I love about and can learn from St. Gianna